An effective website is more important now than ever for IteroText Translation Services

February 16, 2009  

TROY, MICH. (February 16, 2009) – IteroText Translation Services, announced the launch of a new website today. Marketing and Sales Director, Beverly Cornell comments, “During these tough economic times, it is imperative that we stay focused on our marketing initiatives and provide an easy to navigate site with great content.”  Many companies are slashing marketing budgets which many top business professionals discourage during an economic... - click to read more -

Grassroots Initiative is Gaining Momentum Local Companies are Joining the “Support The Auto Industry” Movement

January 17, 2009  

Bloomfield Township, MI – IteroText Translation Services announced that the non-profit site they created called is encouraging community involvement and support for the “Big Three” automakers in Detroit. The website is designed as a central location for information regarding what impact the automotive industry has on Detroit and the United States. This information is critical to helping the nation understand the... - click to read more -

Beverly Cornell, Marketing Director at Iterotext Translation Services is Named “Woman of the Year”

January 13, 2009  

Phone: 248-649-5551 Troy, MI - October 24, 2007 - The National Association of Professional and Executive Women names Beverly R. Cornell, Director of Marketing and Sales for Iterotext Translation Services, “Woman of the Year” in Translation Services. Only one woman from each industry is named, “Woman of the Year” and each honoree is selected from thousands of women in their field. They are chosen based on outstanding... - click to read more -

IteroText Translation Services Adds Matco Tools to Growing Client List

January 13, 2009  

Phone: 248-649-5551 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE –Troy, Mich – May 14, 2008– IteroText, a foreign language translation service provider, announced today that they have been hired by Matco Tools to translate their marketing and technical documentation for their Canadian and Puerto Rican distributers and consumers. “Working with the Matco Tools has been very exciting” said Beverly Cornell, Director of Marketing and Sales. “Translation of... - click to read more -

Globalization Helps Local Company Grow Into New Headquarters

June 30, 2008  

Phone: 248-239-1144 Troy, Mich – June 30, 2008– Iterotext, a translation service provider, announced today that they have moved their North American headquarters from Troy to Bloomfield Township that is more than double in size.This relocation will allow the technical translation team, technical writing team, foreign language graphics team and the management team to share the new facility with plenty of room for additional expansion. “Globalization... - click to read more -

IteroText Translation Services Adds Northshore Power Systems to Client List

April 17, 2008  

Phone: 248-649-5551 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Troy, Mich – April 17, 2008– Iterotext, a translation service provider, announced today that they have been hired by Northshore Power Systems (NSP Systems) to translate their technical owner’s manuals for their Spanish and French speaking consumers. “Working with the NSP Systems technical writing staff has been a perfect fit with Iterotext’s capabilities” said Beverly Cornell, Director... - click to read more -

IteroText Translation Services Helps Local High School Students Learn About Global Business

February 27, 2008  

Phone: 248-649-5551 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – February 27, 2008 — TROY, MICH. – Iterotext Translation Services announced today that it will sponsor as well as volunteer at Automation Alley’s Global Trade Mission(GTM). The GTM is an innovative business simulation that prepares Southeast Michigan high school students for work in the global economy. With collaboration from business, education, and government, the GTM stands as a regional response... - click to read more -

IteroText Translation Services Helps Motor City Connect Collect Toys & Votes for DMC’s Children’s Hospital of Michigan

February 20, 2008  

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE –February 20, 2008 — TROY, MICH. – Iterotext Translation Services is working in conjunction with Motor City Connect to raise awareness about the Colgate Palmolive Challenge to provide Fun Centers for various hospitals around the nation. Children’s Hospital of Michigan can benefit by placing a vote at Colgate’s Website once a day to provide a 2nd fun center to the hospital. “Detroit is currently in the lead”... - click to read more -

Synergy Plus Solutions Helps Iterotext Implement New, Integrated IT Platform to Support Sales Cycle, Back-End Office Functions

December 3, 2007  

Phone: 248-649-5551 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – DECEMBER 3, 2007 — LIVONIA, MICH. – Synergy Plus Solutions, a business software advisory firm, announced today that it will manage the business software implementation for Iterotext, a leading translation services firm. Synergy Plus Solutions conducted a review of Iterotext’s IT infrastructure and recommended implementation of NetSuite, an integrated system that will enable management of... - click to read more -

Iterotext Technical Translations Adds Guardian Industries to Growing Client List

June 11, 2007  

Phone: 248-649-5551 Troy, Mich – June 11, 2007 – Iterotext, a technical translation service provider, announced today that they have been hired by Guardian Industries to translate their installation manuals for their growing base of international clients. “Guardian Industries fits with our technical translation expertise” said Beverly Cornell, Director of Marketing and Sales. “We are excited to work with Guardian Industries;... - click to read more -

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