Authoring Coach
IteroText Translation Services is excited to announce our proprietary authoring memory tool.
Tests of Authoring Coach on technical documents have shown costs can be reduced by thousands of dollars on the first project.
Authoring Coach TMX is a state-of-the-art authoring tool that provides live, interactive and high-speed access to existing content for reuse. The result reduces translation costs, increases authoring productivity and greatly improves consistency throughout documents and writing styles.
Features include:
- Integrated terminology management
- A rules engine
- A memory manager
- Easily search previously used segments
- Presents exact and fuzzy matches
and much more…
This software allows any delimited data set or Translation Memory Exchange (TMX) file to be used with all Windows applications including Microsoft Office suite, Adobe FrameMaker, Adobe InDesign, XMetal, Epic and Quark XPress.
An author only has to click a button to choose which content to search.