Translation Technology
IteroText Translation Services has a long history of utilizing technology to produce multilingual documents for our clients.
We created our very own proprietary translation memory system over three decades ago to meet our clients’ needs. Once commercialized translation memory systems like SDLX and Trados became available, we adopted the technology in conjunction with our own and have a dynamic and suitable solution for most technical document requirements.
In 2006, IteroText launched a commercialized version of our authoring memory software, Authoring Coach TMX to help companies reuse their content and lower their translation costs. We believe that if we look at the translation process from the beginning, we can find ways to streamline and aid our customers in their cost saving efforts.
We work with all data formats like HTML and XML that are used in software and for the web. With the prevalence and increasing usage of these formats - we have become accustomed to working in this world.
Our cross platform teams on use both Macs and PCs with the most up to date software versions and the latest hardware available to ensure that IteroText Translation Services is on the cutting edge of technology for design, formatting and writing programs.
As advances are made, IteroText plans on keeping with the fast changing times and continuing to lead the pack in technology advancements.